
Update Clash Royale Terbaru: New Balance Changes 19 September 2016

Clash Royale New Update: New Balance Changes 19 September 2016 - Hai sahabat setia TokekJahat, ada kabar gembira untuk pecinta game Clash Royale. Pasalnya di tanggal 19 September besok Clash Royale akan mengalami maintance dan mengupdate Perubahan Beberapa Kartu/Balance Changes. Mau tau apa kartu/karakter apa saja yang akan diubah? simak, dibawah ini guys!.

Update Clash Royale Terbaru: New Balance Changes 19 September 2016
Update Clash Royale Terbaru: New Balance Changes 19 September 2016 > TokekJahat

New Update Clash Royale 19 September 2016: New Balance Changes

  • Giant: Damage decreased by 5% [kekuatan serangannya dikurangi 5%]
The Giant will still hit hard after this change - he has really big fists after all - we just wanted to take a little bit of power from his offensive capabilities, as his main role is to soak up damage.

  • Rage: Elixir cost decreased to 2 (from 3), effect decreased to 30% (from 40%), duration decreased by 2sec [Biaya Elixir dikurangi dari 3 menjadi 2, kekuatan efeknya dikurangi dari 40% menjadi 30% serta waktu aktifnya dikurangi menjadi 2 detik]
The Rage spell hasn't seen much usage and is in need of a bigger change, especially with the introduction of the Lumberjack's "free" Rage. Decreasing the Elixir cost to 2 should make Rage a really viable and exciting combo card!

  • Lumberjack: Rage effect decreased to 30% (from 40%), Rage duration decreased by 2sec [kekuatan efeknya dikurangi dari 40% menjadi 30% serta waktu aktifnya dikurangi menjadi 2 detik]
For consistency with the Rage spell changes above.

  • Mirror: Mirrors cards 1 level higher than its own level [Kartu Mirror sekarang bisa membuat duplikat kartu yang memiliki level lebih tinggi dari level kartu aslinya]
We love the surprise element Mirror brings and we've been having a blast playtesting this new version! At Tournament Rules card levels, Mirror will bring a truly unique element to your deck, making your cards 1 level higher than the tournament cap! Also, a max level Mirror will create max level +1 cards!

  • Lightning: Stuns targets for 0.5sec [kartu ini mengalami peningkatan kemampuan yaitu bisa membuat kartu musuh dan tower berhenti selama 0.5 detik, efeknya sama seperti kartu Zap]
Due to Lightning's low use rate, and partly for consistency with Zap, we're adding a brief stun effect to make it more unique and hopefully an interesting addition to some decks.

  • The Log: Knocks back ALL ground troops [Sekarang kartu ini bisa memukul mundur semua pasukan darat]
This change will make The Log feel like the Legendary Card it was born to be.

  • Bomber: Hitpoints decreased by 2%, Damage increased by 2% [HP/atau darah dikurangi 2%, kekuatan serangan meningkat 2%]
A small tweak to fix a couple of inconsistencies with card interactions at certain levels.

Nah, Mari kita tunggu saja kepastian informasi ini dan update'an terbaru Clash Royale yang katanya akan di update tanggal 19 September 2016 besok. Jangan lupa! share informasi artikel ini keteman kalian dan Like Fanspage Facebook kami http://facebook.com/situstokekjahat/.

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